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Releases: bisq-network/bisq


29 Aug 15:27
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A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.

This release comes with 3 new payment mehtods and applies the industry standard for altcoin price notation and currency pair notation.

Release notes

  • Add new payment methods: Cash deposit, US Postal money order, ClearXchange
  • Remove support for bank transfers in US (ACH has high chargeback risk and WIRE is too expensive)
  • Added new altcoins: LBRY Credits, Syndicate, HunCoin, Unobtanium, Digibyte, VCoin, Decred, Crypto Bullion, 1CRedit, YACCoin, Advanced Internet Blocks
  • Apply industry standard with altcoin price notation and currency pair notation
  • Show all offers in market screen
  • Click on offers in market scree row triggers navigation to Buy or Sell screen and selects currency
  • Rearrange columns so sell and buy prices are in the middle to see spread better
  • Rename columns headers and table header
  • Add currency pair, primary market based values and display strings for price, amount and volume for offer and trade json files
  • Fixed bug with missing persistence of preferences changes
  • Use defuat vlaue true for "Use Tor for BitcoinJ"
  • Sort currencies in lists alphabetically
  • Add checkbox in settings to display nr. of trades or offers for currency list in market screens. Sort by nr. trade/offer if selected.
  • Ignore offers in market offer book view which are further than 30% from best price if there are more then 3 offers on one side
  • Show only currencies in market view which are used in offers or trades
  • Replace payment method column with accumulated BTC amount in market offer book
  • Add payment method column to trades statistics table
  • Store arbitrator pubKey in trade object to avoid null pointer when the arbitrator is not available in the trade process
  • Set flag to connection at initial data request so the peer does not get disconnected from seed node if max connections are reached at seed node.

Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):

Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bitsquare on Debian use: /opt/Bitsquare/Bitsquare


26 Aug 14:23
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A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.

This release is a preparation release for the next bigger upcoming release.

New payment methods will be added in the next release but that will break compatibility with versions prior to, so please update to that version first to not experience exceptions when offers with new payment methods are published.

Release notes

  • Add fix for unsupported payment methods.

Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):

Hint for Debian users:
If you have problems starting Bitsquare on Debian use: /opt/Bitsquare/Bitsquare


08 Aug 02:36
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A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.

This release comes with several performance improvements and higher trading limits, as well as many new altcoins.

Release notes

  • Increase trade limits (Altcoins: 2 BTC, Banks: 1 BTC, Others: 1.5 BTC)
  • Added new coins: Mycelium Token, BitUSD, Steem Dollars, STEEMUSD, BitCNY, BitEUR, BitCHF, BitGBP, BitNZD, BitAUD, BitSGD, BitHKD, BitSEK, Comet, BitSYNQ
  • Removed deprecated ETHC (was replaced by ETC)
  • Reduce performance peak when loading statistics data at startup by delayed processing
  • Exclude statistics data from getting loaded what the user has already
  • Add statistics data dump to binary, so new users don't need to load all the data at first startup
  • Add RPM Linux binaries
  • Add reminder popup for setting up a password, backing up seed word and doing a data dir backup
  • Increase nr. of rolling backups for wallet and keys to 20.
  • Fix JSON dump to be stored as plain text instead of Java serialized object
  • Add option to dump offers as json
  • Add maxMemory prog. arg for seed nodes and statists app
  • Add precision to currency json file
  • Improve wording

Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):

This version is backward compatible back to version 0.4.2.

If you have problems starting Bitsquare on Debian use: /opt/Bitsquare/Bitsquare

Arch Linux:

For windows users:
If you know that your computer supports 64bit use this installer: Bitsquare-64bit-
If you don't know it but if the computer is a newer model it is likely 64 bit. Otherwise use Bitsquare-32bit-


30 Jul 00:03
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A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.

Release notes

  • Bugfix with repeated publication of trade statistics data
  • Add "Show all currencies" to trade statistics view to see total volume of all currencies
  • Add warning popup if Tor is enabled for http requests and user clicks a button to open a web page
  • Show offerers bank name also for SEPA in offer details window
  • Fix bug with missing market price updates
  • Save Fiat and Altcoin currency list as JSON if --dumpStatistics is enabled
  • Use info as default log level, improve logging
  • Other minor bug fixes

Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):

This version is backward compatible back to version 0.4.2.

If you have problems starting Bitsquare on Debian use: /opt/Bitsquare/Bitsquare

Arch Linux:

For windows users:
If you know that your computer supports 64bit use this installer: Bitsquare-64bit-
If you don't know it but if the computer is a newer model it is likely 64 bit. Otherwise use Bitsquare-32bit-


27 Jul 13:17
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A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.

Due heavy requests from the community we added price and volume statistics.
Because of the nature of a P2P application the statistics will need a bit of time until they are fully distributed in the network.
Please read at our forum for more details:

Release notes

  • Add trade statistics. Price chart, volume chart and table for trades.
  • Add tor support for http request (excluding Poloniex because of problems with Couldflare captcha)
  • Add tor support for BitcoinJ (experimental)
  • Add support for passing sock 5 proxy address via program argument to be used for BitcoinJ and/or http requests (I2P VPN, ...)
  • Change EtherClassic ticker from ETHC to ETC (as they requested, ETHC still supported by deprecated)
  • Support list of seed nodes for Bitcoin network
  • Add program arguments: useTorForBtc, useTorForHttp, dumpStatistics (store statistics as json), socks5ProxyBtcAddress, socks5ProxyHttpAddress, useTorForHttp, btcSeedNodes
  • Update BitcoinJ with actual seed addresses
  • Added capability support to have more fine grained control at updates.
  • Bugfix with missing bank name field when payment method same bank account was used
  • Display offerers bank name or bank ID in offer details

Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):

This version is backward compatible back to version 0.4.2.

If you have problems starting Bitsquare on Debian use: /opt/Bitsquare/Bitsquare

Arch Linux:

For windows users:
If you know that your computer supports 64bit use this installer: Bitsquare-64bit-
If you don't know it but if the computer is a newer model it is likely 64 bit. Otherwise use Bitsquare-32bit-


17 Jul 14:34
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A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.

Release notes 0.4.9:

  • Added EtherClassic, USD Tether, EUR Tether, JPY Tether, Lisk, DigixDAO Tokens, Worldcoin, FlorinCoin
  • Support for Tor bridges
  • Use embedded font to have same layout in all OS versions
  • Add number of offers info to offer book view
  • Add logos for market price providers
  • Limit nr. of Bitcoin network peers at re-connect after connection loss
  • Increase default tx fee for withdrawal to 0.0002 BTC
  • Persist selected currency in market screen and offer book screens
  • Add export to csv feature for trade and tx history
  • Add export and import payment accounts feature
  • Add holder name at confirmation popups for trades using bank account
  • Show Nr. of trades at peer icon
  • Show peer info on mouse click on icon
  • Add editable tag to peer
  • Add Insight block explorer
  • Use different busy indicator with much lower cpu load than JavaFX ProgressIndicator
  • Add check for arm cpu architecture
  • Add 80 byte support for OP_RETURN in BitcoinJ fork
  • Add program arguments for maxConnection, log level, custom seed nodes and ignore developers messages/alerts
  • Increase check offer availability and trade protocol timeout
  • Add check for arbitrator and trade price tolerance at offer availability check
  • Add display of fiat or altcoin amount in contract window
  • Add copy icon for onion addresses textfields in offer/trade/contract windows
  • Add nr. of bid and ask offer to statistics table
  • Restrict max market price deviation to 20%
  • Display 2 decimal places for percentage price
  • Show nr. of offers and total btc amount in spreads view
  • Add busy indicator when entering wallet password
  • Fix bug with missing available balance update
  • Fixed JavaFX bug with SortedList (offer book)
  • Fixed bug with dangling trades and disputes
  • Fixed bug with cases of missing complete state at trades when users are offline

Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):

This version is backward compatible back to version 0.4.2.

If you have problems starting Bitsquare on Debian use: /opt/Bitsquare/Bitsquare

Arch Linux:


05 Jul 14:44
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A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.

Release notes

  • Fix bug with support for multiple arbitrators

Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):

This version is backward compatible back to version 0.4.2.

If you have problems starting Bitsquare on Debian use: /opt/Bitsquare/Bitsquare

Arch Linux:


25 May 20:24
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A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.

Release notes 0.4.8:

  • Removed Payment ID from trade contract for Monero
  • Fix NullPointer at Bank account setup

Release notes 0.4.7:

  • Added Monero, Maker, DAO, STEEM, BigUp, PlatinumBar, Jumbucks, Pinkcoin, OKCash, GridCoin, Moin, SolarCoin, Shift, Europecoin, PostCoin
  • Increase trade limits (Altcoins: 2 BTC, OKPay: 1.5 BTC, Banks: 0.75 BTC, Others: 1 BTC)
  • Support EUR option for SEPA countries which have a non-EUR currency
  • Customize bank account forms for countries: BR, UK, US, AU, CA, MX, SE, HK, NZ,
  • Add search field to Combobox for altcoins
  • Added Moldova
  • Add input validations for fiat payment method forms (only for customized countries)
  • Add info popup for mining fee when depositing funds
  • Show % price in open offers table
  • Increase max msg size for GetDataResponse
  • Change TTL and refresh/republish time
  • Fix incorrect handling of TTL
  • Fixed wrong sorting in tables
  • Fix validation bug for inputs at create offer screen
  • Add network stress tests

Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):

This version is backward compatible back to version 0.4.2.

If you have problems starting Bitsquare on Debian use: /opt/Bitsquare/Bitsquare

Arch Linux:


25 May 17:16
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A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.

Please update as soon as possible to that new release as there is an issue with the P2P network in the current version.
Additionally to that P2P network fix we added many new features as well as a long list of new Altcoins: Monero, DAO, Maker, STEEM and many more....
Trade limits have been increased as well.

Release notes:

  • Added Monero, Maker, DAO, STEEM, BigUp, PlatinumBar, Jumbucks, Pinkcoin, OKCash, GridCoin, Moin, SolarCoin, Shift, Europecoin, PostCoin
  • Increase trade limits (Altcoins: 2 BTC, OKPay: 1.5 BTC, Banks: 0.75 BTC, Others: 1 BTC)
  • Support EUR option for SEPA countries which have a non-EUR currency
  • Customize bank account forms for countries: BR, UK, US, AU, CA, MX, SE, HK, NZ,
  • Add search field to Combobox for altcoins
  • Added Moldova
  • Add input validations for fiat payment method forms (only for customized countries)
  • Add info popup for mining fee when depositing funds
  • Show % price in open offers table
  • Increase max msg size for GetDataResponse
  • Change TTL and refresh/republish time
  • Fix incorrect handling of TTL
  • Fixed wrong sorting in tables
  • Fix validation bug for inputs at create offer screen
  • Add network stress tests

Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):

This version is backward compatible back to version 0.4.2.


29 Apr 10:01
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A newer version is already available! Please don't use this version anymore.

Release notes:

  • Bugfix for fee calculation when using password protection
  • Added Sibcoin, Creditbit

Url of the signing key (Manfred Karrer):

This version is backward compatible back to version 0.4.2.