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110 lines (65 loc) · 3.21 KB

File metadata and controls

110 lines (65 loc) · 3.21 KB

Changelog for dotnet-delice



  • The similarity for the Sørensen–Dice coefficient comparison to SPDX templates is now an argument that defaults to 0.9, available via --similarity

[1.7.1] - 2022-05-04


  • Merged PR #31 to fix readme
  • Fixed #32

[1.7.0] - 2021-12-14


  • Updated to .NET 6
  • Merged PR #30 to better support multi-license packages

[1.6.0] - 2021-03-30


  • Updated to .NET 5
  • Upgraded packages
  • Added a devcontainer for easier development
  • Moved to GitHub Actions and created new build/release pipeline

[1.5.2] - 2020-06-09


  • Error handling the potential for a failed response when querying GitHub for license info (issue #21)

[1.5.1] - 2020-06-09


  • Normalising paths to license within a nuget package across OSes (issue #20)


  • Moving the common licenses to separate files rather than one big one

[1.5.0] - 2020-05-04


  • Detecting dotnet tool references and handling them (issue #15)
  • Making isFsfLibre optional since it's often missing in the JSON SPDX response (issue #14)

[1.4.0] - 2020-01-10


  • Detecting unknown project styles and excluding them to reduce likelyhood of crashes when running against full framework projects

[1.3.0] - 2019-10-24


  • Putting version number for package in properties of the JSON output (issues #7)
  • Putting URL for package license in properties of the JSON output (issues #9)


  • JSON output now includes the version and URL for packages (where available)
  • Pretty print output includes version
  • Better error message when the dependency graph for a project fails to load

[1.2.0] - 2019-10-23


  • Detection of Project References as a unique license mode


  • Project References are now extracted out to a separate node in the response since their license is unknown
  • Updated to .NET Core 3.0

[1.1.0] - 2019-08-28


  • Support for looking up a license via the GitHub API when the license is hosted on GitHub
    • This reduces the number of packages that return "Unable to determine"
    • User is able to provide a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) to avoid being rate-limited
  • Support for looking at the contents of the license file to see if we can guess the type
  • Showing license conformance with SPDX info (whether it's OSI, FSF, etc.). This is obtained from the SDPX database, which can be refreshed using a CLI flag


  • Extracted the core of the project out to a separate project so it can be its own NuGet package
  • Output now contains a new node for conformance in the pretty-print, and three new nodes in JSON, isOsi, isFsf and isDeprecatedType

[1.0.0] - 2019-08-19

Initial Release 🎉


  • Locate all dependencies for a project and find their licenses
  • Packages using the legacy licenseUrl field don't have their license properly discovered
  • Some packages using the legacy format are pre-parsed and stored in code
  • Display output as pretty console output or JSON
  • Ability to save JSON to file