We're entering an exciting time in quantum physics and quantum computation: near-term quantum devices are rapidly becoming a reality, accessible to everyone over the internet.
This, in turn, is driving the development of quantum machine learning and variational quantum circuits.
Our aim is to bring together a community focused on quantum machine learning, and provide a leading resource hub for quantum computing education and research.
Xanadu is not just a software company; we also perform high-impact research and build quantum hardware. Our software gets used internally across the company — check out some of the papers released using our open-source software tools.
Code documentation is important; it encourages everyone to dive straight in and begin tinkering with the code. We have the highest standard for documentation — our aim is to make everything accessible, from code to theory.
The physics community is embracing open-source software, bringing transparency and reproducibility to physics research. All of our software is open-source, and we are excited to be along for the ride.
When we release software, we have the community in mind. Development takes place publicly on GitHub, and members of our team are available to chat on our Strawberry Fields Slack and PennyLane forum.
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