Manages chain-agnostic providers implementing the chain API.
yarn add @metamask/chain-controller
npm install @metamask/chain-controller
This package is part of a monorepo. Instructions for contributing can be found in the monorepo README.
This controller is responsible to "bridge" Snaps that implements the [Chain API] and a MetaMask client.
The controller maps a "chain provider" to its CAIP-2 (chain id) identifier
(named scope
in the [Chain API]).
The MetaMask client can then use an external source (outside for current controllers that
only support EVM networks) to fetch information from a non-EVM network.
The controller itself also implements the [Chain API]. Its uses the scope
(that is always
required for any methods) to identify the chain provider and then forward the method call to this
The calls are dispatched through the SnapsController:handleRequest
's action.
Here's the high-level flow when invoking a [Chain API]'s method:
%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}}}%%
participant MetaMask
participant ChainController
participant Snap
box Metamask Client
participant MetaMask
participant ChainController
MetaMask -> Snap: Retrieves Snap ID
MetaMask ->> ChainController: registerProvider(scope, snapId)
note over MetaMask,Snap: Provider must be registered first
MetaMask ->> ChainController: chain_method(scope, ...)
activate MetaMask
alt If there is a chain client for this scope
ChainController ->> ChainController: client = getProviderClient(scope)
ChainController ->> Snap: client.chain_method(scope, ...)
Snap ->> Snap: Process Chain API request
Snap -->> ChainController: Chain API response
ChainController -->> MetaMask: Chain API Response
deactivate MetaMask
Clients and Snap interactions:
%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}}}%%
participant ChainController
participant SnapChainProviderClient
participant SnapHandlerClient
participant SnapsController
ChainController ->> SnapChainProviderClient: chain_method(scope, ...)
activate ChainController
note over SnapChainProviderClient: This client also implements the Chain API methods
SnapChainProviderClient ->> SnapHandlerClient: submitRequest({ snapId, origin, handler, request })
SnapHandlerClient ->> SnapsController: :handleRequest(...)
SnapsController -->> SnapHandlerClient: Response
SnapHandlerClient -->> SnapChainProviderClient: Response
SnapChainProviderClient -->> ChainController: Response
deactivate ChainController