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Gabriela Gutierrez edited this page Nov 22, 2015 · 1 revision

UX Flow:


  1. Welcome message/instructions : "Thanks for submitting your specimen! We'd be happy to have a look at your find. Please take very sharp photos (no more than 5 photos that are no larger than 500k each) that show scale (place a ruler or coin beside the specimen in the photo). Please note that we do not perform appraisals on specimens and cannot tell you the value of a fossil."
  2. Camera: Take picture. 3: Is it OK? (Y/N) if yes continue if no retake 3.1 In the background: we perform check to see if the photo is in focus
  3. Where was picture TAKEN? Map view with current location and ability to override location. When location found, NEXT.
  4. Additional info screen: 5.1 What is it? DROPDOWN: Fossil, bone, egg, other 5.2 How did you find it? FREE TEXT 5.3 Anything else? FREE TEXT 5.4 Would you like to be notified if this is confirmed a fossil? Y/N 5.5 Review 5.6 Submit


Skip intro 2. Camera: Take picture. 3: Is it OK? (Y/N) if yes continue if no retake 3.1 In the background: we perform check to see if the photo is in focus 4. Where was picture TAKEN? Map view with current location and ability to override location. When location found, NEXT. 5. Additional info screen: 5.1 What is it? DROPDOWN: Fossil, bone, egg, other 5.2 How did you find it? FREE TEXT 5.3 Anything else? FREE TEXT 5.4 Would you like to be notified if this is confirmed a fossil? Y/N if yes email address if no, no ability to recover past submissions history 5.5 Review 5.6 Submit


  1. Camera
  2. Go to > Menu
  3. View past submissions

NOTES from Ashley (Paleontologist)

In app database of commonly submitted fossils for user to approximate what it looks like. Using a scale is important Stress that people should not try to move a fossil unless it’s small and obviously detached Location is very important Note about which kind of rock they found it in

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