Releases: DCAN-Labs/BIBSnet
Releases · DCAN-Labs/BIBSnet
Sidecar JSONs
- Derivatives now include sidecar JSONs
- Bugfix for subjects with age = 0 in their accompanying .tsv file
Segmentations and Masks Output in T1-native and T2-native Space
Merge pull request #52 from DCAN-Labs/doc-dev updated outputs
Zenodo Bug Fix
Adjusting .zenodo.json license in order to publish
Improved Segmentations with Model 551
- Addition of model 551 for T1 and T2 combined segmentation generation
- grabs age and brain_z_size from participants.tsv when there isn't a sessions.tsv or the information isn't provided in the sessions.tsv (note: this should only be the case when there are one or no sessions per subject)
sub-{}_session.tsv Implementation
- brain_z_size and age will now be grabbed from the sub-{}_sessions.tsv inside each subject's BIDS input directory at the level of the sessions directories instead of the participants.tsv for BIDS valid input directories
- readthedocs documentation now reflects this
Working Directory Implementation
- prebibsnet through postbibsnet changed to working directories
- the "precomputed" derivatives directory changed to "bibsnet" derivatives directory
- working directories removed at the end of postbibsnet if the user does not specify a --work-dir
Updated Zenodo Files and Dockerfile
- Removed python FSL install to allow the docker image to build on dockerhub
- Removed CITATIONS.cff
- Edited .zenodo.json
Improved Segmentations with Model 550
- bug fix in averaging multiple anatomical images of the same modality (T1w or T2w) in prebibsnet
- addition of model 550 (new T1w and T2w bibsnet model) to model.csv, allowing the application to run model 550 in the bibsnet stage
- removal of model 512 to save space in the container, replaced with model 550
- changed model 512 to model 550 in the readme
CABINET includes T1-only and T2-only models
- T1-only and T2-only models are now included
- Codebase automatically chooses model based on inputs
- User can specify model if desired
- ReadMe documentation for additional workflows and model description
- Bug fixes within non-ACPC alignment workflow
BIDS-ified CABINET Application
- CABINET can now run multiple subjects/sessions or subjects with no sessions
- Added issue templates
- BIDSified the application by moving args from param file to argparse
- Updated to reflect these changes
- Implemented age-to-average-head-radius inference from table